Relieving rush-hour traffic at Bush-Welborn crossing

The Bush-Welborn Crossing Project construction will cause traffic congestion, but Texas A&M Transportation Institute researchers said they are considering ways to ease these growing pains in 2023.

Texas A&M Transportation Institute Assistant Transportation Researcher Madison Metsker-Galarza worked on a survey to understand public concerns about the Bush-Welborn Crossing Project.

“We got over 4000 responses to our 50-question survey,” Metsker-Galarza said, “so it was not an easy survey for people to take so clearly this is something that people are really passionate about.”

Metsker-Galarza said she and her team found traffic was a major concern with the project, and people were unlikely to change their commute to avoid congestion.

Metsker-Galarza said Texas A&M Transportation Institute can help the Texas Department of Transportation reduce growing pains, and she recommends A&M University administrators consider changing class schedules and bus routes

The problem with redirecting traffic is there are few other crossings, and they all get congested, Metsker-Galarza said, which could cause issues for the surrounding residential areas. Therefore, Metsker-Galarza said they are considering methods to address resident concerns.

“They’re most worried about cut-through traffic through the neighborhood,” Metsker-Galarza said.

Although the advocacy group has concerns, they understand the importance of this project Metsker Galarza said. The completion of Farm-to-Market Road 2818 will help people from that area travel across the railroad tracks during construction, so that project needs to be done before the Bush-Welborn Crossing Project can begin.

“This project is part of a puzzle,” Metsker-Galarza said, “2818 is going to be widened to six lanes, so three lanes in each direction.”

Metsker-Galarza said Texas A&M Transportation Institute and TxDOT are currently considering plans to create three-level travel, with four-way vehicle and pedestrian travel, all underneath the ground-level railroad.

Metsker-Galarza said this design maximizes pedestrian safety by keeping them separate from cars.

Metsker-Galarza said residents who want to support this project should submit a comment on the TxDOT website to express the importance of this project, because it has not yet been funded.

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